Tuesday 19 November 2013

RELATIONSHIPREALTALK; 5 Keys To Screwing Up Your Relationship: A Girl's Way

So love is life, love is what makes the world go wrong, oops I mean round, love is the fruit of the soul, oh, sorry its music that is the fruit of the soul, whatever, you get the point, love is indispensable in human relations bla bla bla.
From my tone, you would infer that am headed somewhere disastrous and am gonna confirm your fears. Here's what am gonna do, this time around for the ladies, am gonna give you keys on how to totally screw your relationship, practice this points and that Nigga would jump off a bridge, just to be away from you.

1).  Let's face it, what attracts a man to a woman at first is her looks, that physical alluring charm. So immediately you get into a relationship with him don't forget to request for all those goodies that make you glow, Be MATERIALISTIC. Ask for things you really need, things you don't really need, things you have no need for, even things you already have, just ask !. After all your relationship might not last forever. Better smart than sorry.

2). Somehow, somehow you got involved with this rich guy, who is nice and caring, in addition he is very serious and wants to take you to the alter soon. Babe your own don better oh. Shine your eye well well and don't allow any other girl or woman come near him. Embarrass or fight any woman that tries to come too close and don't forget to interrogate him after, on who, when and what. Don't leave him till he answers all your questions and promises to end contacts or delete the girls number, whoever she is.
3). A wise musician ones said 'Don't spend your whole life looking for Mr. right, instead pick Mr. Left and drag him to the right'.
Lady one of the ways to drag him to the right hand side, is to nag him about all his characters and peculiarities you don't like. Nag him and trouble him till he becomes your perfect man.
He eats with his mouth full, Nag him. He doesn't show you enough public affection, Nag. He is hyperactive and so perspires a lot, babe nag him, make him take a bath every time he sweats. Your boo snores while sleeping, sweetheart trouble that nigga about it, till he forgets how to snore. He comes back by 10am, after a hard day at the office, you want to chat but he is too tired to talk, he wants to sleep, Babe nag the hell out of him.
4). This next point is so salient, so important is it that I personally imbued it with a name, I call it "Operation check his phone".
Dearie, your boo's phone is similar to his heart, if you can get his heart and his phone then you are in complete control. So check his phone regularly, when and when he is not present, if he refuses to hand the gadget over to you, try the previous point, Nag !. Check his text messages, look out for pictures of other women, in fact if you see too many pictures of Rihanna confront him on the issue, you never know, he might be sleeping with her.
5). The last but not the least and might I say this one is a sure banger.
Em... Come closer let me whisper it to your ears. A little closer, C-h-e-a-t.
Yes you heard me, cheat on him. He is a man for crying out loud, so the odds are he is already cheating on you, so do the same honey, what a man can do a woman can do better, right?. Variety is the spice of life, don't waste your time being faithful to a man. To curtail this excess, never allow him touch your phone, never fail to answer your calls away from him while speaking in hush tones, when he is present chat with your fling on your BB and smile so hard your boo will wonder. That'l work.

These points are not much, nevertheless they are just what you need. Practice this points religiously and your boo will not only run through your mind, he'l run away from you in reality. As a result that relationship will be history.

1 comment:

  1. GBAM!
    My brother! I once had an ex jealous of Alicia Keys o... trouble.
