Wednesday 20 November 2013


Its hard to exercise for the majority of the populace... that's a fact.
You know who you are. As hard as you’ve tried, you’ve never liked going to the gym. Maybe you’ve even hired a personal trainer a few times, (like i have) hoping the added expense and accountability would be enough motivation to turn you into a regular gym rat.
But it didn’t work.
So, you've decided. Exercise just isn't your thing!
Deep down though, you know what the problem is: you don’t like working out. It’s hard, it’s uncomfortable, it’s sweaty and the  whole thing is just damn tiring!! I completely relate with you my dear...
But here's a few tips Darya Rose has for us today. its reasonable, its relateable, and unlike most advise given, completely doable. *whew*
"If you’re just starting a workout program your goal shouldn’t be to get buff or lose weight. The first step is getting to a fitness level where you no longer hate to exercise. And for that all you need is consistency.When you first start your program don’t force yourself to do anything too hard or unpleasant, just make sure that you stick with it and never quit. "
I remember when I started my 'irregular exercises', I hated anything cardio, so automatically, I hated running. I got easily winded and really sweaty. With consistency however, now, I could spend all hours whenever I manage to crawl into a gym on the treadmill.
"There’s no reason to torture yourself at the gym. Once you’re in better shape you will enjoy pushing yourself a little harder every now and then. But until you get there, just make yourself do something. Anything. Just do it regularly and don’t make excuses."
Here are a few tips to set you up for a lifetime of fitness...

1. Commit to consistency
This is worth repeating. Make a commitment to sticking with your plan. If you find yourself not able to meet your goals, change them so they’re easier.
2. Take baby steps
 Don’t expect to turn into Superman overnight. For now just try to stop being a wimp.
3. Pick an exercise that’s fun
Not all exercise happens in the gym. Like to dance? Play ball? or just go on long walks? Start with the fun stuff and work your way up.
4. Bring a friend, make it competitive
Having a workout partner is one of the most effective ways to be accountable and make your workout fun. Making it a competition is also great for motivation.
5. Join a sports team
Even better than one friend is a group of friends. Intramural sports teams are a fantastic way to get a few weekly workouts.
6. Get into music, podcasts and audiobooks
If your schedule isn’t conducive to group activities, your iPod still got your back. Put together an inspiring workout mix, and whistle while you work.
7. Get some nice workout clothes, shoes and mp3 player
New toys are fun. Sometimes it’s the little things that help the most.
8. Reward yourself
Doing something consistently is an accomplishment, even if your actual task seems small and insignificant. If you’ve been exercising regularly, don’t forget to pat yourself on the back for many jobs well done.

Go at this consistently, and soon, you'd be looking forward to kick starting your metabolism