Monday 18 November 2013

A Day In The Life; An Agama Lizard!

The Agama lizards are sometimes referred to as rainbow lizards because of the colorful displays peculiar to the dominant male.
Most Agamas live in small groups with the dominant male ruling over the females and some 'sub-males'.
Like cats, they sun themselves each morning, and during this process, the dominant male claims the most coveted and elevated spot while the others lounge below.
They hunt by vision, but prefer to wait for their prey to come to them. They then attack their prey, (mostly ants, grasshoppers, beetles and termites) with their sticky tongues.
Though primarily an insectivore, the Agama will eat small mammals, reptiles & vegetation if necessary.
The tail of the Agama acts as its navigator. When Agamas jump from a rough surface (where their grip is firm), they stabilize their body and keep their tail downward. This helps them to jump at the correct angle.
When on slippery syrface, they tend to jump at the wrong angle, but in mid air, they correct the angle of their body by flicking their tail upward.
"The Agama's tail may help engineers design more- agile robotic vehicles that can be used to search for survivors in the aftermath of an earthquake or other catastrophe". Thomas Libby, a researcher stated that 'Robots are not nearly as agile as animals, so anything that can make a robot more stable is an advancement".
They are mostly found in Rocky Steppes, hillsides, semi-deserts; Africa.

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